cat stories rescue stories

My Cat Kyle – A rescue cat making a difference

This social media famous adorable rescue cat with no claws, just three teeth, a crooked ear and hip dysplasia has captured the hearts of thousands of people all around the world and now wants to use his amazing moustache and cute little characteristics to make a difference.

Taken from mycatkyle instagram

He was adopted by his owners as a companion for their other beloved cat Princess Mer after they became convinced he needed a friend, however they had no idea how much of an impact the amazing little cat would make. They immediately fell in love with him and knew they just needed to take him home with them.

The strange but beautiful looking cat has an extraordinary but tragic back story – he has witnessed a murder. Kyle was actually being held as evidence by the police for a domestic violence incident which sadly ended fatally. Kyle wasn’t the only kitty who was held by the police, 30 other cats who were also in the house which the murder took place were taken as part of the murder investigation.

When Kyle’s pictures and posts began to gain a lot of attention of social media platforms such as Instagram and Reddit, his owners decided to use his voice and followers to gain attention to domestic violence causes.  Kyle’s owners noticed that there was a dire need for animal-friendly domestic violence shelters which would allow victims to take their beloved pets to safety too.

Research has suggested that abusers who also abuse their pets are more dangerous and controlling than those who do not and 45% of abused women have delayed leaving their abuser or returned to them for their pets safety. Chilling facts like these emphasise the need for these shelters which Kyle the kitty is raising awareness about.

In February 2015 Kyle started the hashtag phenomenon #CatsAgainstDV which means Cats Against Domestic Violence, the hashtag spread the word and outlined the need for animal-friendly domestic violence shelters, amazingly Kyle and his popular photos have already raised over $4000 for organisations which support the cause.

Kyle also promotes and raises money for various different charities and his Charitable Cash 4 Kyle’s Stache donates money to his causes and many different charities and campaigns which are all making a large difference for those who need it most. He sells little Kyle cat plushie teddies, mugs and pillows just to name a few, all with his beautiful signature looks and adorable face.

Kyle has started a new campaign which involves his adorable plushies which can be bought from his store. People purchase a plushie and they must share it with a family who has been impacted by domestic violence. You can buy one of the adorable cuddly toys and Kyle will ship it directly to Urban Resource Institute which is the only organisation which provides safety shelters for everybody including pets .

Taken from mycatkyle instagram

Despite Kyle’s upsetting and tragically unfair past, he has continually helped and raised awareness and money for causes which mean a lot to him and his owners. His owners have done an incredible and selfless act of kindness to help prevent situations like Kyle’s and to also help victims feel more comfortable to escape violent circumstances. From a rescue cat to rescuing more pets.

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