about cats

Some love them – others find them strange: The Sphynx Cat

As a true naked cat, some cat lovers find it special and interesting, other cat lovers are sceptical about the breed. In general, this breed is a really special cat. The Sphynx cat has hardly any hair and therefore loses heat much faster. Their energy is also used up more quickly, which means that they need more food than all other cat breeds. Nevertheless, this cat is something special. Today, this article aims to enlighten about its origin, its character and its typical features.

The Sphynx cat is not completely naked

Even though it is called a naked cat, it has a slight hair down. However, if these hairs are missing, it is considered a torture breed. If you want to get a Sphynx, you should pay attention to the so called touch hairs. If these are present, the Sphynx cat is considered a harmless breed and is also recognised as such here. Due to the lack of fur, however, this breed is very susceptible to cold and sunlight. It is prone to sunburn and can cool down quickly in cool temperatures.

It should therefore only be kept as a pure indoor cat. Sphynx cats that go outdoors can suffer sunburn, which can lead to skin cancer. There is also a risk of colds, hypothermia or even frostbite and death if this breed of cat is taken outside in cold temperatures or bad weather.

The Sphynx cat seems warmer than other cats

Because this breed is a naked cat with hardly any hair, it radiates more body heat than other cats. Because of this, it needs more energy to maintain its body temperature. This must be taken in in the form of sufficient food. Some people find the sight of the sphynx strange. This is mainly because we are used to cats with a lot of fur. At first sight, this breed can indeed look different from what we are usually used to seeing in a cat.

It got its name from the ancient Egyptian Sphynx and is a Canadian cat breed. Their build is muscular and they have large ears. Furthermore, this breed grows to medium size and has pronounced cheeks and a strong, prominent chin. Incidentally, the cat comes in different skin colours.

The Character of the Sphynx Cat

This breed is considered to be very intelligent. In addition, the Sphynx cats are a very lively and at the same time very affectionate cat species. They love their humans and want to spend a lot of time with them. Furthermore, Sphynx cats are also considered to be very docile. Some of them can even be trained to do little tricks, with patience and diligence, as well as a lot of love and fun at play.

Keeping such a cat means a lot of time and intensive care, because even if the cat is kept indoors, without outdoor access, it should live in company and must be protected when exposed to sunlight. Their favourite places are usually warm places, like in front of the fireplace or in their cuddly den.

Ancestry and history of the Sphynx cat

There are reports that the Sphynx cat lived in ancient times and among the Aztecs. The first real picture of a hairless cat comes from Mexico in 1902. The ancestry of today’s Sphynx cats comes from Canada. They were bred from naturally mutated cats in the sixties and since 1971 the Sphynx cat from Canada is recognised as a breed. The Peterbald breed was crossed with the Don-Sphynx breed.

These pedigree cats had almost no hair, so that there was a torturous breeding. In order to improve this, crosses had to be made. There are several subspecies of the Sphynx cat, which are bred in different ways all over the world. If you decide to keep such an animal, it is essential that you familiarise yourself with the breed-specific requirements.



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