Bingo was only eight weeks old when she was adopted by a nice young woman named Sarah. Sarah took the adorable little calico kitten home to meet her husband and twelve-year-old son. Bingo loved Sarah’s son immediately and they played together for a long time on the floor. It was a good match.
The family enjoyed getting to know Bingo over the next few weeks and frequently found themselves laughing at her crazy antics. She would attack their feet when they walked around the house which they all found quite hilarious because she was so small. Despite her size, she would put everything she had in to her “attacks”, kneeling back with a swishing tail only to pounce vigorously like a tiger on top of any moving foot.
Bingo had full run of the home but hadn’t yet found the courage to venture out on the large acreage the family owned. There were two ponds near the back of the property that had many tall trees growing on it. Sarah enjoyed spending time there because she found it so pretty and relaxing. One day Bingo decided to follow Sarah to the quiet spot.
As Sarah relaxed in a lounge chair, about to doze off, she heard Bingo begin meowing very loudly. Sarah looked up to see Bingo had climbed to the top of a small tree. The top of the tree was swaying precariously and Bingo was getting more fearful as the moments passed. Her yowling filled the afternoon air. Sarah ran toward the house looking for her husband and, at her frantic calls, he came running.
As they both considered how to help Bingo, neither of them could come up with a way to get her down. Soon Sarah’s son came running over and quickly formed an idea to rescue her. Mom and dad watched as their son quickly shimmied up the tree. Bingo’s cries became more frantic as he neared the top of the swaying tree. When he got close enough to grab her, the tree bent over and hung directly over the murky pond beside it.
Now, not only was Bingo crying at the top of his lungs, but their son was as well! He was screaming that he was going to fall when Sarah’s husband instructed him to try and back down the tree. Unfortunately, his pants were snagged on a branch so he couldn’t get down.
A neighbor heard the frantic cries of child and feline and arrived unexpectedly on the scene driving his big green tractor. The helpful neighbor drove right up to the pond and extended the bucket so that the young boy was able to simply step down in to it, grabbing Bingo as he did so.
Once put down safely on the ground, Bingo took off like a shot towards the safety of the house.
Since that day, Bingo has spent many a sunny day lounging on the front porch of the house or chasing butterflies in the family’s front driveway, but he refuses to venture in to the back yard.
No one can say that Bingo didn’t learn his lesson that day. The family agrees that they never have to tell Bingo anything twice.
He is one smart cat.