This is Pikachu. We found him in an island at the center of a busy street in Makati’s central business district, taking shelter inside a covered spotlight that is used to light up the monument standing in that island. My husband spotted him when he crossed that island walking back to our house from the mall. And as always, we have no idea how he managed to get himself at the center. My husband imagined that it will only take a little time before the kitten becomes desperate for food and water that it will dare to cross the busy street with lots of speeding vehicles, and then get hit and die. This kitten was very challenging to catch. The first time, it wouldn’t come out behind the spotlight so it was quite difficult to get to him without hurting our eyes. We can’t exactly see where he is hiding so my husband just left food and water for him to get through the night – and day for that matter, because the second attempt was the next evening.
The next evening, I came with him to help again. We tried to lure him with food, and eventually he stepped out. As soon as we grabbed him and tried to put it in the cat carrier, I don’t know how he did it but he somehow escaped my hand and jumped out – went back to the spotlight. That’s when we realized, we should call him Pikachu, from a Japanese anime Pokemon – because he’s a pain to catch. Again, we left food and water to get him through another day.
And so the next evening again, we came back with the hopes that he is still there. This time, it was still quite early in the evening so we kinda attracted some attention from security men roaming around the area. They were wondering what we are doing in the monument. Fortunately, after explaining that we need to get a stray kitten out, they tried their best to help out too. They even tried to check if they can radio someone who have access to the spotlight, since the spotlight is enclosed and is locked. They weren’t successful in unlocking it, but at least they were there to give us moral support. Eventually, Pikachu came out to get his food and we were able to catch him.
He was scared at the beginning, but it took only a little time before he was able to socialize with our cats. He immediately became friends with Sylvia. Other than being dirty and dehydrated, Pikachu was a healthy kitten. Eventually, we found him a good home to care for him. He is now living with other cats in a farm.