The Savannah cat is a mix of the domestic cat and the serval cat. This cat breed is an African wild cat. As a breed, the Savannah is slightly smaller …
The Siberian cat at an exhibition
With special breeds, the owners often would like to participate in shows. Of course, the question then arises whether the cat has the potential. In addition, many cat owners are …
Some love them – others find them strange: The Sphynx Cat
As a true naked cat, some cat lovers find it special and interesting, other cat lovers are sceptical about the breed. In general, this breed is a really special cat. …
Sokoke – the special breed
Sokoke, that already sounds very exotic, but this cat breed is a real feast for the eyes. Granted, every cat is beautiful. But you can fall in love with the …
Music for cats – what to look out for?
Cats and music Humans like to listen to music. Whether on the radio, from CD or via streaming services. Today there are endless possibilities. Some people even play an instrument …
Abyssinian cat – the goddess among cats
We encounter Abyssinian cats mainly in illustrations, innumerable historical records of Egyptian history and thus they are among the oldest known breeds at all. Together with the “Egyptian Mau”, the …
The Abyssinian – this pedigree cat has wildcat in its blood
Abyssinian cat Abyssinian Cat Many people do not know that the Abyssinian cat is a wild cat crossbreed. Yet it is immediately noticeable, especially because of its beautiful …
When cats grieve – how you can help
Mourning animals is well known. Should a cat fall into mourning, people should do everything to ensure that Kitty can survive her difficult time. The reason for the grief must …
The bullied cat that desperately needs a home
We often hear of really heartbreaking stories, especially regarding cats. As much as we love them all, and want every single one of them to have a great life, we …
Mango the hitchhiking cat from Bangladesh settles in Basingstoke
A stowaway cat who miraculously survived a flight from Bangladesh in a suitcase full of mangoes, pineapples and rice is settling into her forever home. The cat – named Mango …